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Never install meta apps on your iPhone - Know why?

Updated on: 04-Jun-2022 02:25 AM

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Keep an eye out! This Popular Meta App Should Never Be Installed on an iPhone

The main reason for this is that Facebook Messenger infringes on the privacy and data of its users.


The necessity for digital security develops every year. For entertainment, navigation, fitness, and social networking, many of us rely on iPhone or Android applications, but these apps are notoriously difficult to trust. There’s no way to detect if an app is tracking you (even when you tell it to stop) in today's world of ever-evolving technology, and no protection is foolproof.

An app that performs well today could become a horrible actor tomorrow if the company behind it is sold, changes its direction, or is compromised due to a bug. In light of this, it's past time to strengthen your defenses.

According to sources, iPhone claims to have the safest ecosystem and that iPhone users have complete control over their privacy and data. While many people believe Apple's assertion, and there have been instances where Apple's statements have been proven to be correct, security experts throughout the world believe that users should be cautious about their privacy, regardless of which device or smartphone they use.


Despite Apple's assurances, Apple security expert and CEO of Spylix Steven Walker told users in an interview that one app should be avoided at all costs and should never be installed on iPhone. The software in question is Facebook Messenger. Spylix is a phone-tracking application that governments all around the world use.

According to Walker, just because an app is popular does not mean it is safe to use. He further believes that many people do not think Facebook Messenger to be a dangerous program because of its widespread use.

According to Walker, there are two main reasons why Facebook Messenger abuses user privacy and data. For starters, it's owned by Meta, which was previously owned by Facebook, a company with a murky track record when it comes to using users' data on its platform.

The lack of end-to-end encryption in Facebook Messenger is the second reason it's more important to Walker. Consumers, according to Walker, have a number of instant talking options. WhatsApp is substantially more secure than Facebook Messenger, despite the fact that it is controlled by Facebook.

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