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About 90% of Teens in the US have iPhones

Updated on: 26-Oct-2022 06:47 AM

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Teens are always flocking to the latest in fashion, and we've got numbers to confirm that iPhones are truely "what the cool kids have."

According to a report by investment firm Piper Sandler, the semi-annual survey of teens found the iPhone to be number one among teens in the United States. Smartphone penetration is over 87% for him, a triumph for Apple.

We know that the iPhone continues to grow in popularity, but these numbers put it into perspective. This is exactly the reason for the mass sales of Apple's cheap devices like the iPhone XR and iPhone SE. Kids just want to be blue bubbles.

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These figures from Piper Sandler's research also show that teenage iPhone usage has more than doubled since 2012 when teenage iPhone users only constitute about 40%.

All go hand in hand with Apple's steadily growing sales and the recent focus on services. The good thing about teens is that they always want/need the latest cool stuff, and Piper Sandler feels that they know Apple knows that.

"We believe the elevated penetration and intention are important given the mature premium smartphone market. Additionally, these trends are encouraging as the company continues to introduce new iPhones, which could provide a significant product cycle refresh. We think these positive trends can also be a catalyst for further services growth as well, as the install base for Apple hardware continues to grow." ~ Piper Sandler

Apple Watch adoption is also on the rise among teens in the United States. Over 30% of teens are Apple Watch users, which is a lot. Looking at how many of his teens own smartwatches, only 5% of users don't have an Apple Watch.

Aple Watch survey.jpg

The above survey by Piper Sandler was taken by 14500 teens across 47 different states in the United States with an average age of 16 years.

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