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AI used to Spread MisInformation In Wrestler's Protest

Updated on: 29-May-2023 02:12 PM

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The debate on whether AI is a boon or curse is ongoing and unlikely to reach a definitive conclusion. Different perspectives exist, with some highlighting the advantages of AI while others emphasize its disadvantages. AI has been used for various entertainment purposes, such as altering images to make someone appear older or changing their expressions. However, when AI is used to manipulate serious issues, the implications become more significant.


One concern raised by experts is the potential for AI to be used in spreading false and fake news, as evidenced by the creation of manipulated images. Recently, a fake photo emerged on Twitter showing wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Sangeeta Phogat posing with fake smiles in a police vehicle after their detention by the Delhi Police. The photo was created using AI, and it quickly went viral, leading to widespread criticism of the wrestlers. However, fact-checking revealed the photo to be fake, and several verified accounts shared the genuine and manipulated images side by side to debunk the false narrative. Well-known YouTuber Dhruv Rathi also highlighted this issue on Twitter, and a user named Uzair Rizvi shared a tutorial video demonstrating how the image was altered using AI.

Instances like this highlight the potential risks associated with AI, including the creation and dissemination of fake content. The widespread acceptance of such manipulated images can lead to the spread of misinformation and damage to individuals' reputations. It underscores the importance of responsible development, regulation, and ethical considerations when utilizing AI technology.

Finding a balance between harnessing the benefits of AI and addressing its risks and challenges is crucial. By promoting responsible AI practices, including transparency, accountability, and safeguards against misuse, we can ensure that AI is used in ways that benefit society while minimizing potential harm.

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